

     The purpose of Federal funds is to provide supplemental assistance and enhancement to schools and school district, such that programs can be developed and implemented that promote academic achievement.



      Contact Information:    

    Tanya Guin

    Federal Programs Director

    Pre-K Director

    Homeless Liaison 

    Phone 205-387-0555 ext. 1035

    E-mail guint@wcslive.com



    Camille Andrews

    Federal Programs


    Phone 205-387-0555 ext. 1002

    E-mail andrewsc@wcslive.com



    Kyle Dutton

    Mental Health Services

    Phone 205-387-0555 ext. 1016

    E-mail duttonk@wcslive.com



  • Title I

    Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary and secondary schools. Title I provides money to school districts around the country based on the number of low-income families in the district. Each school district uses Title I funds to pay for extra educational services for children.

  • Title III

    English Language Learners - Mission - To facilitate the language acquisition and academic success of English Language Learner.

  • Title II

    The purpose of the program is to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools.

  • Title IX

    McKinney Grant funds are used to provide services to homeless children and youth to facilitate enrollment, retention, and educational success.

Engagement Plan

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Engagement Plan ESL

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